Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: 2 Sisters Fighting For Each Other


Partners Against Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

When Karen’s daughter Tenley was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, it was shocking, to say the least. Her child became one of a small number of childhood cancer patients every year in America. But Karen had no time to despair over their bad luck. So she and her family rallied to begin treating Tenley at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Then, just as they were getting used to the routine of fighting cancer, the worst happened. Tenley’s younger sister Adley was diagnosed with the exact same disease.

Adley and Tenley became the first pair of sisters supported by Compass to Care to battle cancer at the same time. However, while their circumstances are certainly not ideal, the silver lining for Tenley and Adley for those with the determination to find it is that they have each other to lean on during this difficult time. This week, we sat down with mom, Karen, to learn about their cancer journey so far.

What is your favorite thing about Tenley and Adley’s personalities?

Tenley is a nurturer and big helper. She loves to make others happy. Her sweet spirit is contagious.

Adley is our big personality and life of the party! She’s silly and loves to have fun! She can light up a room when she walks in.

What moment on your cancer journey has impacted you the most so far?

Tenley’s bone marrow transplant was extremely hard. She was inpatient 93 days and our family was living 3 hours from home with a 3 year old and a newborn. When she did finally get discharged we then found out that our middle daughter, Adley, also has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. The love and support we’ve had during this difficult time had made the world of difference.

What is the most challenging part about traveling to treatment?

The most challenging part of traveling for treatment is separating my family. It’s hard being away from home when you have more than one child. They miss each other and we miss them.

How do you prepare yourself, and Tenley and Adley for travel days to the hospital?

Often times there isn’t time to prepare because you don’t ever know when they’ll have a fever or something will arise where you can go. When we do have time, we just let them know we will be traveling to the doctor for their appointments and give them time to ask questions. There is always lots of packing and checklists to ensure we have everything for our time away.

Has Compass to Care had an impact on your treatment journey? If so, what has been the biggest impact for you and your family?

Absolutely! They’ve provided my family with lodging and gas every week as we travel to and from treatment. This is a huge relief for our family and a financial burden we don’t have to worry about.

What would you say to the supporters of Compass to Care, if you had the chance?

Your support and contributions make a great impact on the lives of many. Compass to Care has enabled my family to stay together during our outpatient visits in a hotel right beside the hospital and given us more time to care for our girls and less time worrying about the stresses of traveling to treatment!

What would you say to other parents whose child was just diagnosed with cancer?

This journey isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. Give yourself grace and know that there are hills and valleys through the process. Hang on to hope and reach out for and accept support when it is offered. You can do this!

Thank you, Karen, for giving us a window into your cancer journey! To support other kids like Adley and Tenley, donate at