Hashtag Super Sanaiah

Hashtag Super Sanaiah

Sanaiah is an 11-year-old girl braving Medulloblastoma. Your support has made it possible to fund nine trips to cancer treatment for Saniah and her family.

Today, Sanaiah got to ring the bell as a symbol of her transitioning from chemo treatment to recovery. Her mom told us with great excitement that Sanaiah has gained almost 4 pounds in the last week! Her path forward will now focus on her regaining weight and strength. She is officially off her feeding tube and they are going to slowly start backing down on anti-nausea medications over the next few weeks. She also will be starting physical therapy next week.

While treatment is done, there are some necessary next steps.  She will have an MRI in mid-August and with clear scans, she can have her chemo port officially removed. She will need a scan every 3 months to make sure she remains in remission, but Sanaiah and her family are planning for healthy days ahead!

Today, we all celebrate a big win in Sanaiah’s journey! #supersanaiah

Her medical team at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital has been phenomenal. They brought her ice-cream cake, and a few parting gifts on her last day of treatment.

We also want to be part of the celebration for children as they finish up cancer treatment, transition out of our program, and get back to a new normal. We have black bracelets with a silver metal compass charm waiting for these special moments. One is on the way to Sanaiah!