Gabriel turns 10!

Gabriel was just 4 years old when he started his cancer journey after being diagnosed with T-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia. His mom, Brenda, remembers “Gabriel was not aware of his diagnosis at first because he was too young to comprehend exactly what was happening. It was almost like going to a regular doctor visits.” She remembers him questioning her about going in for his cancer treatments, Gabriel asked his mom if he “looked sick.”

For three years, Gabriel went through intensive treatments, making 77 trips from his home in a Chicago suburb to Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital in the city of Chicago. Brenda, Gabriel’s mom, shared that “While on treatment, not once did I see him without a smile and that taught me the greatest lesson of my life. Kids like Gabe go through so much and the fact that he always (had a) smile, made my worried days easier.” After three years, Gabriel finished his treatment.

Today, Gabriel is cancer free and celebrating his 10th birthday! He loves soccer, baseball, and is still smiling. A new hobby is participating in track and field at his school. He wants to learn to play the piano. Gabriel wanted to be a professional baseball player like Anthony Rizzo when he grew up, but now he wants to be a soccer player like Leo Messi.

These days when Gabriel makes trips to the hospital, he is sad to see so many kids going through what he did. Now that he is older, he tells his mom that he wishes they were not sick. He recently shared with his mom that, “they all should believe in God and be strong”.

Brenda’s encouraging words for other parents experiencing a cancer journey is, “if you are a believer, hold on onto that. God strengthened my family and my faith. Be strong for your child. It is ok to cry and off course to worry but never ever, let your child see you weak. Remember you are their strength! Everything will pass and there will be a day that all of what you are going through, will be just a memory. The hardest thing that I had to endure while he was on treatment was the economical aspect. Being a single mother of 3 made it really hard for me. Gabe’s social worker introduced us Compass to Care. Michelle and her team supported us all the way, making this journey somewhat easier. The fact that I did not have to worry about transportation was a breeze.”

“Thank you for everything you did for us and continue to do for others, we think of you often. I just wanted to share this with you because you and your team made this possible. I thank God every day for the opportunity to see my baby growing older and for having people like you that helps total strangers when they need it the most. God bless you always.”

Gabriel and Brenda have always found opportunities to give back to Compass to Care, by participating in our 2019 Fashion Show and as a child HERO in our marketing campaigns. The Compass to Care team is so proud of how far Gabriel has come. We continue to celebrate his wins, cheer for him from the sidelines, and can’t wait to learn all that Gabriel will accomplish in the years to come!