Breakfast Benefit 2024 Volunteer Form


As we prepare for Compass to Care’s Breakfast Benefit, we need volunteers to help us make it successful!  Sign up today for any of the following opportunities:

  1. Hanging Posters Around Dubuque.  This is a great opportunity for groups or families who have a car.  We want to blanket the community with posters that promote our event.  Grab a stack and a list from us, and head to the local businesses and put them on their community boards or front windows.  You can volunteer for as little as one hour or more! (Volunteer time: You choose any date or time between May 1st-5th.)
  2. Setup on June 17th.  There are few things we need to get the venue ready for our event.  Come meet us at 5:00pm on June 17th and help us get the ballroom beautiful for our guests.  (Volunteer time is 5:00-6:00pm.)
  3. Morning Volunteers on June 18th.  We need bright smiling faces to help us welcome our guests, get them registered, guide them to their tables, pick up donation envelopes, and thank them as they leave.  (Volunteer time: 6:30am – 9:30am. Breakfast is included.)